Featured guides
Learn how to control your schedule and star your favorite colleagues
Learn how to book desks, rooms, and onsite for yourself or guests
Profile and Notifications
Edit your personal details and control your notifications
View colleague's profiles and your team's upcoming bookings
Documentation for global and building admins
Frequently asked questions and troubleshooting advice
[Outlook] Associated calendar field is spinning endlessly when trying to create a new room
Error: No spaces available matching the amenities you have chosen
How do I reset my password?
I can’t login “The username or password is incorrect”
I did not receive a welcome email asking me to set up a password
I did not receive my password reset email
I set up the directory sync, but my users haven’t been added to Kadence yet
Permissions FAQ: Microsoft Azure Directory Sync & Attribute Mapping
What is the minimum resolution supported by Kadence?
Why are some spaces unavailable for me to book?
Why did my room booking not sync to Kadence?